Sunday, October 14, 2007

Testimonial Emails

Act As If...Your Dreams Are Real

Hello Ladies,

So I just wanted to share with you all some crazy stories. Things have been vibrating positive.

On Tuesday night, I decided to go to my brother's apartment in Wrigleyville, to go over some budgeting stuff to see if I had enough money to move out and what not. I decided I could do it but I'll probably get a second job, one or 2 nights a week. I left his place, and have to walk around a gigantic puddle to get to my car (at first I went though the puddle but went to wrong forest green '96 Toyota Camry) my shoes got soaked, and it was cold out. I got out of the puddle and walked around, as I am walking I see a coin purse in the puddle, I opened it and there were no Identifications of any sort. I open it further and saw 3 Benjamin's looking at me directly in the eyes. Plus a bunch of change. I called the police to see if anyone reported a purse missing. Nothing, so at the end of the night, I had pocketed $304! It was crazy.

I went home that night, and decided to move in with this girl I had met over craigslist. She real cool, definitly not a loser or just perfect like I was scared of! She told me in the summer she loves going to the beach and drinking wine. Also one of my very favorite pastimes. It turns out she used to work at this bar that my co-workers go to all the time, she knows my co-teacher really well! (Today I met the landlord and officially signed the lease) come March 1st, Ill be living in a great apartment in Edgewater. Oh and I will have my own little space, that is the perfect size for a yoga/meditation space! Im so pumped to decorate it!

The following day after my run-in with the money, I was at work and we needed a new blender for paper making. I got 3 of my residents all ready in their jackets and we marched down the block to the salvation army. On our way back, I was looking at the ground, making sure the residents wouldn't slip on any ice, and I saw something shiny. I bent down to look at this shiny things, and found a ring! (it appears to be a fake diamond, but my boss is convinced that it is made out of silver...) Ill take that somewhere and see if it actually is anything of value.

That night feeling lucky, I went to 7-11 and bought a lotto ticket. I won a dollar. But spent 3...

Anyways, so that was my really exciting week, and I just wanted to share that with you all! And no I was not "acting as if" in any of those stories.

And I am just gonna put this out there to you guys and the universe too i guess, I've begun a search for a used car. My favorite car is a Honda Accord, or something similar... :-)

I hope you are all having a wonder week!


Two more things I consciously created today.
Ive been looking for a second job, as a cocktail waitress a few nights a week. I went in to my first place today to ask for a application, and someone who didn't even know I was applying for a job asked me if I was 21 and said they were hiring cocktail waitress really soon for evening and night shifts...perfect.

Also, today I was talking to my friend, I asked her how her sister was doing since she is gonna have a kid in a few weeks. My friends said she are doing well, and her and her husband are out car shopping today, and they are selling their Honda Accord.... Weird!

I'm really staring to believe this consciously creating thing..

Yin Yoga Class

You deliver your soul essence to others. What a gift! When I am in your presence I feel nurtured, challenged, taken care of, loved, and, I get to play and laugh. I love the Wed. class and the not getting off the floor thing. love Katie

Yoga For Fertility Class

I have really enjoyed the current class and really look forward to it. It’s like two hours of solace for me. I had miscarried two weeks before the class started and wasn’t really looking forward to opening up and talking about my experience. Perhaps that’s why I was so overly emotional on the first day and I just kept telling myself “I’m not ready to talk about this, I’m just not ready”. But opening up that first day was what I really needed. It increases the load that one carries if you keep it all in. I wish I had started the class when I began my first two cycles, perhaps it would have made coping with the experience a lot easier – and I would have found a better outlet than eating my sorrows away on a Portillo’s hot dog, fries and vanilla shakes.

I’m not sure what it is with people with a social work background, they have this inherent good soul about them. Thank you for making the class and the experience so enjoyable.

Hi! Thanks for forwarding that link and I actually wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant! I had taken your yoga for fertility class back in May-June and then I went through IVF in the late July/early August timeframe. Fortunately it worked and I'm now about 11 1/2 weeks along so almost into the second trimester. I'm now seeing my regular OB/GYN and had my last appt at FCI in mid-September. I really believe that your class helped me and I got so much out of it - I've been recommending it to lots of people too!
I hope to take future classes again soon (was waiting until the nervous time of the 1st trimester is over). When you have a sec, would you mind reminding me which classes you teach?

Thanks again for everything!

Law of Attraction Courses

What can I say about Jenilyn Francis? The first word that comes to mind is pure JOY. She exudes joy, sincerity, love, and a safe environment to learn and grow in.
What can I say about Law of Attraction (LoA)? The power of LoA is empowering. It puts you in the driver’s seat of your life and off you go to create.
Jenilyn blends all of her educational background so beautifully in helping others create their dreams and desires. If you are just learning about LoA or have practiced it for years, you will find Jenilyn’s approach comforting, warm, and simply fun. I have taken her ‘Conscious Creators’ and ‘Act As If’ classes and loved them. I have studied LoA for several years and found her classes to be inspiring and fun, fun, fun!

Just to give you an update from one of your past Conscious Creator gatherings...During the visioning portion of the evening I had the thought presented to me 'move to Colorado'. It was subtle and I could have just discounted it. But it was so off in left field I decided to at least write it down - I did mention it to the group too.
Well it banged around my head for a couple of weeks. Finally checking flights and rental cars in Denver I, (or the Universe), came up with some really low prices - so not knowing where I would be staying or where in Colorado I would be going - I make the reservations.
Several other things happened along the way - a little too much to type, but I will tell you about it sometime soon - and I spent 4 or 5 days in Boulder, Colorado the first week of October.
Still not getting a clear message as to why I was there, I talked to a spiritual person who said I should come back soon and stay for a month to a month and a half and tell my truth. What am I crazy . . . well I felt I should follow this and see where it leads.
I am writing you tonight from Colorado, back for trip # 2 and have at least a couple of weeks to go. Not sure of my exact direction here, I am trusting spirit to guide me into my perfect situation and allow me to discover. It is a little scary and exciting at the same time. Wish me luck - well the Universe will take care of that - For me just know that all is in perfect Divine right order and I am in God's capable hands. I will keep you posted on it all. any question just give me a shout . . . just thought you would like to know what you started here.
Keep Smilin'

I took Jenilyn's last session and I moved through a lot of stuff...

I looked forward to the class every week. So great 'cause you can sign up for the full session, which I did, or drop in weekly. Both dynamics worked well. I had fun, was inspired, laughed...

Jenilyn is fun, joyful, a great teacher, listener, creates a safe and nurturing environment. I recommend her yoga class right before, and then you have a half hour to eat your dinner, or go and grab some grub (hopefully you will eat better than grub) and then class begins. What a treat, It felt like a delicious secret, to give myself this time, to breathe, be, play, share and create.
Sat Nam,

Hi Jenilyn-- Just a quick note to let you know how much I am enjoying the Conscious
Creators class and how lucky I feel to have you there as a guide! I
know that you know, but you really are brilliant-- I'm so happy and feel
so lucky to be a beneficiary of your light and so glad that you know
to let it shine!!!This weeks been a hoot--can't wait to see what comes


I have been attending the "Act as if" classes since September 14th. I wanted to deal with my weight problem but was too embarassed to say anything that first time so I went with a safer goal, financial success. I did put the weight loss intention out there and to my surprise I discovered that I have lost 12 pounds already. I am also working towards the financial success I was seeking. THIS DOES WORK! I am so happy and can hardly wait to see what else is going to happen. Ask and it is given! Thank you God and thank you my earthly guide and guardian angel, Jenilyn! You are blessed and blessing me too! I am so happy that you are doing the work that you were meant to do. Your joy and energy is contagious! Namaste....Toni

Thanks for the great class yesterday. Please add me to your goddess
and law of attraction workshops email list. I am planning to be at your workshop on Wednesday. I'll see you then. Oh I started the gratitude journal thanks for reminding me about that wonderful practice. Have a wonderful night. Lisa

How you hold space and deliver is amazing. I am in awe how you connect with all of us individually while keeping the rest of us engaged as active listeners. Yeh for you!

1 comment:

nonnietoni said...

During the five weeks that I have been attending the "Act as if," class
I have lost 15 lbs. Yes, I have been eating healthy but I have been doing that for a long time. I added daily yoga, walking and meditation practices such as attending daily Mass and prayer whenever I felt stressed. I am pursuing a new career and I know my finances will improve as well. Thank you Jenilyn. Toni